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The transition from v10 to v11 includes updates and additions to color tokens, theming, and introduces beta kits to experiment with.

Design kit

What’s changed

  • Updated existing color token names to better reflect their usage
  • Updated layer styles with new color tokens
  • Updated text styles with new color tokens
  • Removal of light variants (in favor of new layer and contextual token sets)

What’s new

  • Added new color tokens
  • Introduced layering models: layer set tokens and contextual layer tokens

v11 Beta kit

Try out the v11 Beta Sketch kit that has been updated to reflect our color token name changes and additional token layer sets and contextual layer sets. The v11 Beta kit is available in the White and Gray 100 themes.


UI shell

The UI shell is now themeable and has been updated to use inline theming. The UI shell uses Carbon theme tokens instead of component specific tokens and the color will follow each themes styles.


Color tokens

Existing color tokens have been renamed to better reflect their usage. In addition to renaming existing tokens, new tokens have been added to fill existing color token gaps in our system and to fix complex layering logic. We have introduced two different types of color token layering models—Layer set tokens and Contextual layer tokens. You can choose to use one model over the other depending on which one makes most sense to migrate to for your product.

See Carbon’s color overview and color implementation guidance for more information.

Inline theming

Inline theming is available to use in your product. Inline theming is used when a section of a UI needs to have a different theme from the rest of the page and allows themes to be nested within each other without needing custom styles or overrides. In product, a common use-case for inline theming is applying a contrasting theme to a UI shell and side panels.

See Carbon’s inline theming guidance for more information.

Light or dark mode

Light or dark mode has been newly introduced and is a theme setting that allows the end user to choose a UI that is either predominately light or dark in color. The UI will automatically switch from using light color backgrounds with dark color text to using dark color backgrounds with light color text.

See Carbon’s light or dark mode guidance for more information.